Learn about your work style, understand yourself and others better

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you have a D Style

People with the D style are strong-willed individuals who prioritize getting results. Because they want to make their mark, they constantly look for new challenges and opportunities.

In addition, they also tend to be action-oriented, so they often focus on achieving their goals quickly and forcefully. Since they are often very fast-paced, they like it when people cut to the chase.

Furthermore, those with the D style also speak up when they see a problem. Because they want to control outcomes, they’re often questioning and independent-minded.

Bottom-line results, victory

Judges others by:
Ability to achieve results

Influences others by:
Assertiveness, insistence, competition

The need to win, resulting in win/lose situations

Under pressure:
Becomes impatient and demanding

Being taken advantage of, appearing weak

Would increase effectiveness through:
Patience, empathy

What comes easy in the job search process:

  1. Decisiveness: 'D' types can decide quickly, allowing them to streamline their job search and promptly apply to the positions that fit their skills and interests.
  2. Assertiveness: They are good at highlighting their strengths, skills, and achievements during resumes building and job interviews.
  3. Competitiveness: They thrive in competitive situations, which can be beneficial in a competitive job market. A 'D' type will actively strive to stand out from other job applicants.
  4. Risk-Taking: They don’t shy away from "stretch" roles and ambitious positions.
  5. Drive: Their strong motivation can push them to stay active and consistent in their job search efforts.

What can be challenging in the job search process:

  1. Impatience: 'D' types prefer quick results and can become frustrated if the job search process takes longer than anticipated.
  2. Dealing with Rejection: They may have difficulties dealing with rejection or criticism, which can be fairly common during a job search.
  3. Attention to Detail: 'D' types are big-picture oriented and might overlook details, leading to potential mistakes in applications or missed information in job postings.
  4. Adaptability: They usually thrive in diverseAppearing Dominating in Interviews: At an interview, 'D' types may come off as too direct or assertive, which might not always come across well. environments and are able to quickly adapt to new situations, which can be beneficial during the job search process.
  5. Overconfidence: They might apply for jobs that are not well-suited to them, banking on their confidence and ability to learn on the job, which may sometimes backfire.

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you have a i Style

People with the i style put a high priority on enthusiasm and tend to maintain an upbeat attitude. They get excited about new possibilities, and they may be very expressive when communicating their ideas. In addition, they are action-oriented, so they often focus on making quick progress toward exciting solutions.

Since they tend to be fast-paced, they may be eager to get going without spending a lot of time considering the consequences. Furthermore, those with the i style also appreciate collaboration. They usually enjoy meeting new people, and they may have a talent for getting everyone involved and building team spirit.

Popularity, approval, excitement

Judges others by:
Openness, social skills, enthusiasm

Influences others by:
Charm, optimism, energy

Optimism, praise

Under pressure:
Becomes disorganized, gets overly expressive

Rejection, not being heard

Would increase effectiveness through:
Being more objective, following through on tasks

What comes easy in the job search process:

  1. Networking: 'I' types are natural socializers and relationship builders. They tend to excel at networking events, informational interviews, and other social aspects of the job search.
  2. Selling Themselves: 'I' types are often persuasive and can easily showcase their skills, ambitions, and achievements, both on paper and in interviews.
  3. Enthusiasm: They generally have an enthusiastic attitude which can be infectious. This can make them appear passionate and interested in the jobs they’re applying for.
  4. Adaptability: They usually thrive in diverse environments and are able to quickly adapt to new situations, which can be beneficial during the job search process.
  5. Interviews: Owing to their interpersonal skills, interviews usually come easier for 'I' types. Their natural inclination to engage in conversation aids them in establishing a good rapport with interviewers.

What can be challenging in the job search process:

  1. Detail-oriented Tasks: 'I' types tend to overlook the details, which can make tasks like resume writing, reading long job descriptions, or filling out extensive application forms challenging.
  2. Impulsiveness: 'I' types can make impulsive decisions, like accepting the first job offer they get without thoroughly considering it.
  3. Lack of Follow-through: 'I' types can sometimes lose interest or forget to follow up on applications or after interviews, which could potentially lose them opportunities.
  4. Patience: The job search process can sometimes be long and slow, which might frustrate 'I' individuals who prefer fast-paced, immediate results.
  5. Focus: They might struggle to stay focused on their job search due to their affinity for multitasking and hopping between different tasks.

First name


you have a S Style

People with the S style place a high value on providing support. They tend to be good listeners, and as a result they’re often seen as patient and accommodating.In addition, they often focus on maintaining a predictable, orderly environment. Since they tend to be cautious, they may use a methodical pace and avoid rapid change whenever possible.Furthermore, people with the S style also value collaboration. Because they appreciate a trusting, warm environment, they may go out of their way to make sure people feel included and accepted.

Harmony, stability

Judges others by:
Dependability, sincerity

Influences others by:
Accommodating others, consistent performance

Modesty, passive resistance, compromise

Under pressure:
Gives in, avoids revealing true opinions

Letting people down, rapid change

Would increase effectiveness through:
Displaying self-confidence, revealing true feelings

What comes easy in the job search process:

  1. Teamwork: 'S' types excel in team situations. They should highlight their experience in team projects and their ability to maintain harmonious relationships.
  2. Listening Skills: 'S' types are often good listeners, which can make them appear attentive and interested during interviews.
  3. Consistency: They can diligently follow through on job applications, and persistently approach the job search process, even when it seems challenging.
  4. Patience: 'S' types usually have a lot of patience and don't rush through the job search process. They are capable of waiting for the right opportunity to come along.
  5. Reliability: These individuals often excel in roles where dependability is important. They should emphasize their reliability in their applications and interviews.

What can be challenging in the job search process:

  1. Change: 'S' types can struggle with major changes, like switching jobs. They may hesitate to explore new job opportunities and can be resistant to making transitions.
  2. Aggressiveness: Promoting themselves doesn't come naturally to 'S' types, hence they might find it hard to showcase their achievements and abilities in a compelling way.
  3. Quick Decision Making: They may take a lot of time to make a decision, as they usually prefer a slow, thoughtful process - this might cause them to miss out on opportunities.
  4. Conflict: 'S' types try to avoid conflict. If they have questions or concerns about a job, they might struggle to voice them assertively.
  5. Networking: Similarly to 'C' types, 'S' types might also find networking challenging because they feel more comfortable in familiar, one-on-one settings, rather than large groups or events.

First name


you have a C Style

People with the C style focus on accuracy and getting things right. Because they want to ensure superior results, they tend to analyze options rationally and separate emotions from facts.

In addition, they also value stability. Since they tend to appreciate follow-through and restraint, they’re uncomfortable with quick or risky decisions and prefer to take time to make an informed choice.

Furthermore, people with the C style are attentive to uncovering problems and mistakes. In their quest to find the most streamlined or productive method of completing their tasks, they may openly question ideas and point out flaws that others may have missed.

Accuracy, objective processes

Judges others by:
Expertise, systematic processes

Influences others by:
Logic, exacting standards

Analysis, restraint

Under pressure:
Overwhelms others with logic, becomes rigid

Being wrong, strong displays of emotion

Would increase effectiveness through:
Acknowledging others’ feelings, looking beyond data

What comes easy in the job search process:

  1. Attention to Detail: They are great at crafting perfect applications. This includes tailored resumes and well-thought-out cover letters with no grammatical or spelling errors.
  2. Research: They excel at conducting thorough research about potential companies or roles, gathering all relevant information.
  3. Preparation: They're good at preparing for interviews, often anticipating questions and preparing clear, articulate answers.
  4. Analytical Thinking: They can navigate job descriptions effectively, breaking down the requirements and aligning their skills to match.
  5. Follow-through: They are very reliable in follow-up communication and meeting deadlines during the application process.

What can be challenging in the job search process:

  1. Networking: People with 'C' style often find networking challenging because they usually prefer to concentrate on tasks rather than interacting with others.
  2. Unstructured Processes: They might find it uncomfortable dealing with companies that have unclear or disorganized hiring processes.
  3. Impatience: As they are perfectionists, they may get frustrated by the pace of job searches that often involves waiting, uncertainty, and a lack of control.
  4. Taking Risks: 'C' types typically like to play it safe. Therefore, selling themselves aggressively doesn't come naturally to them, potentially causing them to undersell their abilities or hesitate when it comes to applying for stretch roles.
  5. Too Detailed: Their focus on details can be a disadvantage if they get too involved in minute particulars, causing them to perhaps miss the broader picture.
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